Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Grădiniţa Hófehérke Óvoda-Pre Primary School

Újévi köszöntések - Boldog új évet kívánunk egymásnak!
Urări de Anul Nou
New Year's greetings-We wish Happy New Year to each other

            Az újév első napjaiban a gyerekek, fiatalok házról-házra jártak és újévi jókívánságokkal köszöntötték a ház gazdáját illetve családját. A háziak ajándékkal köszönték meg a jókívánságokat. Óvodánkban az újév első napjaiban a gyerekekkel csoportról-csoportra járva mondjuk el újévköszöntő jókívánságainkat:

On the first days of the new year the children, the youth, went from house to house and greeted the owner of the house and his family: they told remembrances and good wishes for the whole year.The hosts thanked the good wishes with presents. In our kindergarten, on the first days of the year, we pass round every neighbouring group in our nursery- school and say our New Year's greetings. Here's one example:

Adjon Isten minden jót                                                                   Adjon Isten minden jót
Ez új esztendőben:                                                                     Ez új esztendőben,
Jobb időt, mint tavaly volt,                                                         Zsíros esőt, kövér hót
Ez új esztendőben.                                                                     Ez új esztendőben.
Jó tavaszt, őszt, telet, nyárt,                                                       Bő aratást, szüretet,
Jó termést és jó vásárt                                                               Egészséget, jókedvet
Ez új esztendőben                                                                     Ez új esztendőben.

            Az újévi köszöntés hagyománya jellemző a román vidékekre is, a köszöntők csoportja január 1-én reggel házról-házra járva, búza- és rizsszemeket szórva a lakókra mondják el jókívánságaikat.

Sorcova este obiceiul conform căruia în dimineața zilei de 1 ianuarie copiii, dar și cei mari, merg si seamănă, simbolic, cu boabe de grâu și orez, pe care le aruncă în casă și asupra celor din casă. Versurile însoțite de urări specifice diferă de la o zonă la alta

The tradition of  New Year's greetings is also typical for the romanian regions  too, the group of the greeters starts their tour on January the 1st and they say their greetings strewing  germs of wheat and rice on the residentilas.

„Sorcova, vesela/ Să trăiți, să-mbătrâniți/                   „Sorcova,vesela/ Să trăiți să înfloriți
Ca un măr, ca un par, ca un fir de trandafir/                 Ca merii, ca perii, în mijlocul verii
Tare ca piatra, iute ca săgeata/                                    Ca toamna cea bogată de toate-mbelșugată
Tare ca fierul, iute ca oțelul/ La anul și la mulți ani”     La anul și la mulți ani”

            La grupurile cu limba de predare română copiii prezintă cu această ocazie şi suite de dansuri populare cu strigături din folclor:

Lemn uscat de sus din grindă                                         Frunzuliţă foaie lată
Şi băieţii să se prindă!                                                   Să dansăm cu toţi odată!

Foaie verde de susai                                                      Jocul nostru-i srămoşesc
Mai deansează, ce mai stai!                                           Ia uite cum mă-nvârtesc!

            A téli időszak következő, a gyerekek által nagyon kedvelt hagyománya a farsangolás.

One of the most popular tradition of the winter period among children is the carnival.This is the period between the 6th of January and the beginning of the Easter fast - the period of cheerful feast and masquerades.These loud cheerful masquerades are ment to spurn the cold weather and winter away.Essentially it is the send-off of the winter season.In this time of the year there are various traditions, here are some: children dress into fancy dresses,costumes;  sometimes the women dress like man and men dress like women at masquerades out of joke (reversed roles) ; they gird at each other but in this period it is forbidden to be offended; they burn a hand-made marionette filled with straw,according to the tardition it is the burning of the cold season and the release from all missfortunes and illnesses.That's why they crow all the bad things they want to go away while the marionette is being burned, making a really big noise with rustlings. According to the tradition the girls who didn't get married in this period of the year, had to wait till next year to be taken as wives.The traditional food for the ending of the carnival period is the doughnut made nowdays on the base of various recieps.

Óvodánkban a következő hagyományokkal ismerkedtek a gyerekek:
Copiii din grădiniţa noastră au făcut cunoştinţă cu următoarele obiceiuri şi tradiţii:
In our kindergarten the children became acquainted with the following traditions:

Tuskóhúzás: a legények a tuskót nagy zajjal végighúzták az utcán, majd a vénleányok ajtajára kötötték vagy a kapuhoz támasztották, közben énekeltek:

De carnaval un obicei este când băieţii leagă o buturugă şi o trag pe uliţe făcând gălăgie. Rezemau buturuga de gardul fetelor bătrâne sau au legat-o de uşă şi cântau:

Chumping: the boys swinged the block along the street with a big noise, and finally they girded it on the door of the old maids or supported it to their gate, singing in the mean time:

                         Húshagyó, húshagyó, a lányokat itthagyó,
                         Húshagyó, húshagyó, itt maradt az eladó!

                        Elmúlott a hosszú farsang, búsulnak a lányok,
                        Ettől a sok búsulástól ráncos a pofájuk.
                        Nem tudsz férjhez menni, vőlegényt szerezni,
                        Vedd elő az olvasódat, kezd el imádkozni.

             Medvetáncoltatás: a medve engedélykérés nélkül rontott be a fonóba vagy tollfosztóba, lakodalmi mulatságba, esetlen mozdulataival szórakoztatta a nézőket, ijesztgette, ölelgette a lányokat, majd kiugrott az ajtón, a medvetáncoltató pedig adományokat kért a háziaktól. Az óvodás gyerekek kedvelt játéka a medvetácoltatás, a farsangi időszakban naponta megjelenik csoportjainkban is a medve és kísérője, a gyerekek pedig énekszóval, mondókákkal próbálják táncra bírni a morcos medvét.
    Un alt obicei este dansul ursului. Ursul intră peste fetele din şezătoare care torc lână sau curăţă pene. Ursul a distrat lumea prin mişcările lui, a speriat, a îmbrăţişat fetele apoi a ieşit pe uşă, iar însoţitorul lui a rămas să adune rămăşag de la cei din şezătoare. Pentru copiii este amuzant acest joc, în perioada carnavalului ursul umblă cu însoţitorul din grupă în grupă, copii îi cântă ca să danseze.

"Bear- dancing": a young man dressed in bear costume got into spinning- mils, wedding sprees , and amused the beholders with his angular movements, daunting them, cuddled the girls, then jumped out of the door and his owner asked for donation for the production of the -so called- bear.Based on the previously presented tradition, this is a popular game of the children in our kindergarten during this period: it appears in our group the bear and the owner and the chlidren are triing to influence the crabby bear to dance through their songs and nursery rhymes.

            Kiszebáb-égetés: Húshagyókedden, a farsang utolsó napján, a farsangolók a kiszebábot elégették vagy a patakba dobták, közben télkergető illetve tavaszváró rigmusokat mondogattak. Óvodánkban is húshagyókedden általános szomorúság közepette az udvarra hurcoljuk a szalmabábot, ott levetkőztetjük, elégetjük, közben tavaszváró, télkergető mondókákat ismételgetünk illetve óriási zajt csapunk kbz. hangszerekkel, így búcsúztatjuk a farsangot illetve igyekszünk elkergetni a telet:
            În ultima zi din perioade Carnavalului se arde o păpuşă din paie sau se aruncă în pârâu şi se alungă prin strigături iarna şi se cheamă primăvara. La fel se întâmplă şi în grădiniţa noastră. Ieşim cu păpuşa de paie în curtea grădiniţei, o dezbrăcăm, îi dăm foc şi alungăm iarna cu strigături, numărători făcând gălăgie mare cu jucării muzicale şi chemăm primăvara.

Dummy burning: On the last day of the carnival period, the roisterers burned the dummy, or they threw it into the stream, saying in the mean time spring-expecting and winter-chasing chants.In our kindergarten on the last day of the carnival period we carry the straw- filled marionette to the middle of thye yard where we disrobe it and burn it,;while it is burning we repeat winter-chasing and spring- expecting nuesery-rhymes, and we make a really big noise with various instruments.By this way we endeavor to chase winter away and ring out the carnival period.

            Természetesen a gyerekek által legnagyobb kíváncsisággal és izgalommal várt esemény a farsangi mulatság. A csoporttermeket feldíszítjük, a gyerekek maskarába öltöznek,kbz. ügyességi játékokat játszunk, nem hiányzik a farsangi fánk és a zeneszó sem. Az egész napos mulatság végén a szomszédos csoportokat is meglátogatjuk, farsangi jókívánságokkal köszöntjük őket.
            Cel mai aşteptat moment este cel al distracţiei de carnaval. Cu aceste ocazii ornăm sălile de grupă cu măşti, copii se machiază şi organizăm diferite jocuri distractive de îndemânare, nu lipseşte nici muzica, nici gogoşile. La sfârşitul distracţiei facem o paradă a măştilor prin grădiniţă.

Naturally the most expected event by children is the masquerade.Children expect it every year with huge curiosity and excitement. We decorate out classroom, the children  dress into costumes, we play several skill games, it isn't missing the doughnut and the good music either.On the end of the whole day amusement we visit the neighbour groups too, and greet them with carnival greetings.

            Bár a román vidékekre a farsangolás hagyománya nem jellemző, óvodánkban a román csoportok is megszervezik évről-évre a farsangi mulatságot.
           Deşi la români nu este un obicei Carnavalul, la noi în grădiniţă şi grupele cu limba de predare română organizează Carnaval în fiecare an.

Although the carnival traditions are not specific for the romanian regions, in our kindergarten the romanian groups of children and their kindergarten teachers also organise the masquerade.

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